Optimum Relative Humidity: 85-90%
Benefits of CA: Low O2 can delay ripening. Elevated CO2 delays softening There is limited use of CA on apricots destined for fresh market or canning.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Apricots both produce ethylene and are sensitive to it. Removal of ethylene may slow softening.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Precool fruit immediately aftei harvesting to slow ripening and softening. Exposure to 20% CO2 for 2 days can delay decay incidence during subsequent storage in CA or air.
Varietal Differences: CA storage tests gave unsatisfactory results with the variety Canino, but showed some promise with the variety Blenheim (Royal). There appear to be varietal differences in tolerance to CA, bul these differences have not been studied for most varieties. Some Japaneso varieties appear to be chilling sensitive at 5°C, though not at 0°C.
Mixed Loads: Do not ship with ethylene producing commodities.
Cautions: Oxygen less than 1% can cause off-flavors. Carbon dioxido greater than 5% can cause flesh browning and loss of flavor. Expecl varietal differences in sensitivity to low O2 and high CO2.
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