Optimum Relative Humidity: 85-90%
Benefits of CA: Low 02 can delay ripening and reduce respiration. Elevated CO2 delays softening and can reduce the symptoms of chilling injury.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Avocados are sensitive to ethylene and produce ethylene. Exposure to ambient ethylene can accelerate their softening. While elevated CO2 will reduce their sensitivity, high levels of ethylene will still cause softening. Ethylene removal is recommended if avocados are shipped with ethylene producing commodities or if ambient ethylene concentrations exceed 1ppm.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Precool fruit immediately after harvesting to avoid ripening and softening. Exposure to 25-30% C02 for 2-3 days can delay decay incidence during subsequent storage in air or CA.
Varietal Differences: Cultivars of avocado differ in their chilling sensitivity and thus in their temperature requirements. Fuerte, Hass and Booth 7 are intermediate in chilling sensitivity and should be shipped at about 7°C. Lower temperatures will cause chilling injury and higher temperatures will cause them to ripen and soften too fast rendering them vulnerable to bruising and fungal infection. Even at 7°C these varieties will ripen somewhat and so their transit times should be be limited to about 2 weeks. The use of CA can extend transit time. For example, an atmosphere of 3-5% 02 and 3-5% CO2 will allow Fuerte Avocados to be stored at temperatures as low as 5°C and extend their shipping potential to 3-4 weeks. The West Indian cultivars Fuchs, Pollock and Waldin are very sensitive to chilling injury and should be shipped at 12°C for no greater than 2 weeks. Chilling-tolerant cultivars such as Lula, Booth 1, Booth 8 and Taylor can be shipped at 5°C for up to 8 weeks.
Mixed Loads: Do not ship with ethylene producing commodities. Do not ship avocados with pineapples because avocados produce an odor that is absorbed by pineapples.
Cautions: Oxygen less than 1% can cause off-flavors and flesh browning. Carbon dioxide greater than 15% can cause skin browning and off-flavors. Expect varietal differences in sensitivity to low 02 and high C02.
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