Benefits of CA: Both low O2 and elevated CO2 help decrease senescence
ни I discoloration of bracts. However, discoloration may occur with use of CA at low temperature. In most cases, low temperature and high humidity will ensure better quality than use of CA.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Artichokes do not produce appreciable amounts of ethylene and are not very sensitive to ethylene effects. There are no known benefits to ethylene removal.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Moisture loss can be minimized by cooling adequately and packing artichokes in waxed cartons or in cartons lined with perforated plastic film.
Varietal Differences: No varietal differences in optimum postharvest handling conditions have been documented.
Mixed Loads: Artichokes can be shipped in mixed loads at 0 to 5°C. Buds freeze at - 1.1°C.
Cautions: O2 less than 2% can cause blackening of inner bracts and receptacle. CO2 greater than 3% may stimulate bract development.
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