Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low О2 slows ripening and reduces the respiration rate. CO2 is not known to benefit eggplant.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Eggplant produces little ethylene and is slightly sensitive to the effects of ethylene. However, ethylene levels greater than 10ppm will hasten calyx separation and other symptoms of deterioration.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Eggplant are sometimes wrapped in plastic film to reduce weight loss. However, this may lead to rapid decay if the film is not perforated or highly gas permeable.
Varietal Differences: Eggplant varieties differ in their chilling sensitivity
Mixed Loads: Eggplant is chilling sensitive and so should not be shipped with commodities requiring temperatures less than 10°C. Eggplant should not be shipped with ethylene producing commodities.
Cautions: Eggplants are chilling sensitive at temperatures less than 10°C. In general, early season and less mature fruit are more sensitive to chilling injury than late season and more mature fruit. They will also deteriorate rapidly at warm temperatures so they are not adapted to long transport times. Symptoms of chilling injury include pitting, surface bronzing and browning of pulp and seeds.
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