Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low О2 delays senescence. Elevated СО2 reduces decay
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Grapes produce little ethylene and are not very sensitive to ethylene. There are no benefits to ethylene removal.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Grapes do not continue to ripen after harvest so they should be harvested at optimal maturity based on soluble solids content. They should be forced-air cooled after harvest to achieve maximum shelf-life. Grapes are often treated with sulfur dioxide to reduce mold development. However, SO2 is incompatible with CA so they should not be used together. Grapes can be fumigated with S02 before loading. In many cases, packets of sodium bisulphite are packed in containers with the grapes and release S02 during shipment. Pallets may be covered with polyethylene shrouds to maintain high humidity and to keep the fumigant within the shroud. If SO2 is not used, 10-15% CO2 can be added to air for up to two weeks for effective decay control. Up to 45% CO2 in air can be used for up to two weeks for insect control.
Varietal Differences: Keeping quality is dependent upon variety Thompson Seedless will keep for 1-2.5 months. Ribier keeps for 2-4 months, Emperor, Ohanez (Almeria) and Calmeria keep for 3-6 months.
Mixed Loads: Keep cold. If grapes have SO2 packets, they should not be mixed with other produce. The SO2 can damage many kinds of produce Otherwise, grapes can be shipped in mixed loads. However, they should not be shipped with leeks, garlic or onions to avoid odor transfer.
Cautions: O2 less than 1% can cause off-flavors. CO2 greater than 5% for more than six weeks may cause browning of berries and stems.
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