Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2reduces the respiration rate and maintains firmness. Elevated CO2suppresses development of decay and helps maintain a fresh appearance.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Sweet cherries are not sensitive to ethylene, nor do they produce appreciable amounts of ethylene. Ethylene removal confers no benefit.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Rapid cooling to near 0°C before CA is established is important. Sweet cherries are sometimes shipped with plastic liners in the box or over pallets to maintain a modified atmosphere. This also prevents moisture loss. Elevated CO2 may provide a satisfactory alternative to postharvest fungicides for decay control.
Varietal Differences: Varietal differences have not been well documented.
Mixed Loads: Keep cold. Can be shipped in mixed loads.
Cautions: Oxygen less than 1% can cause skin pitting and off-flavors. Carbon dioxide greater than 30% can cause skin browning and off-flavors. Maintain cold temperature and high humidity to prevent the stem from drying out.
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