Optimum Relative Humidity: 85-90%
Benefits of CA: Low О2 delays senescence and retains firmness. Elevated CO2 can reduce stem-end breakdown and can reduce pitting and other symptoms of chilling injury at 7-12°C.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Grapefruits produce little ethylene and are sliightly sensitive to ethylene. Normally there are few benefits to ethylene removal.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Grapefruit do not continue to ripen after harvest so they should be harvested with sufficient soluble solids. Exposure to ethylene is sometimes used to degreen grapefruits grown in areas with warm nights. Prestorage conditioning of Marsh and Ruby Red grapefruits for 7 days at 16-21°C may be effective in reducing chilling injury during subsequent transport and/or storage.
Varietal Differences: In the United States, Marsh and Ruby Red are the most important varieties. Differences among growing areas and between early and late harvested fruit can be important. Early fruit are more sensitive to chilling injury. Very late season fruit, picked from trees with spring growth, may not be suitable due to chilling injury during long distance shipping or storage.
Mixed Loads: Grapefruits can be shipped in mixed loads but they are chilling sensitive and so should not be kept at less than 12°C for long shipments.
Cautions: O2 less than 3% can cause off-flavors. CO2 greater than 10% may cause off-flavors and areas of scald-like damage on the rind. Grapefruits are chilling sensitive and their sensitivity may vary with variety, growing area and maturity.
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