Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2 delays ripening. Elevated CO2 can aid in retaining firmness.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Kiwifruit are extremely sensitive to ethylene. They produce relatively little ethylene. As little as 0.1 ppm will cause premature ripening of kiwifruit. Removal of ethylene sources is essential to maintenance of kiwifruit quality.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: CA must be established within 2 days of harvest to maximize benefits. Ethylene concentrations should be maintained at less than 20 parts per billion to prevent flesh softening and incidence of white core inclusions. Maintenance of low temperature is also very important.
Varietal Differences: Unknown.
Mixed Loads: Kiwifruit should never be shipped with ethylene-emitting produce.
Cautions: 02 less than 1% can cause off-flavors. CO2 greater than 7% may cause internal flesh breakdown. Exposure to even very small amounts of ethylene will cause flesh softening and premature ripening. Kiwifruit. especially those harvested with low soluble solids, are very sensitive to freezing injury and should not be exposed to temperatures less than 0°C.
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