Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2delays ripening and retains firmness. Elevated CO2may reduce internal breakdown in some cultivars. Some varieties of nectarines can be shipped in 6% O2+ 17% CO2if they are kept near 0°C.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Nectarines produce substantial amounts of ethylene and are sensitive to ethylene. Ethylene removal can retard ripening and maintain firmness.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Rapid cooling after harvest to near 0°C is important to slow respiratory activity and retard ripening and decay/ Waxing fruit prevents excessive weight loss during transportation and marketing. Hot water dips can help control brown rot and Rhizopus decay. 2.5 minutes in 52°C water is effective but skin injury can develop. Sanitation is imperative to reduce development and spread of decay-causing fungi.
Varietal Differences: There is significant variability among nectarine cultivars in their propensity to develop internal breakdown, in their shelf lives, and in their abilities to benefit from controlled atmospheres. Experience with individual varieties is necessary to develop optimal handling procedures.
Mixed Loads: Nectarines should not be shipped with ethylene generation or ethylene sensitive commodities.
Cautions: O2less than 1% can cause off-flavors, skin browning and failure to ripen. CO2greater than 10% for longer than 3 weeks may cause flesh browning and loss of flavor in some varieties. Nectarines should be kept near 0°C. At 4 to 10°C they are likely to develop internal breakdown. At temperatures greater than 10°C they will ripen rapidly and decay will develop.
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