Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2reduces respiration and ethylene production and retards ripening. Elevated CO2 may help retain green color.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Bell peppers produce relatively little ethylene and are only moderately sensitive to ethylene. However, prolonged exposure to ethylene can cause premature senescence and so peppers should not be shipped with ethylene-producing commodities.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Peppers should be rapidly cooled and kept cool. However, they are chilling sensitive and so should not be kept at less than 7°C. Most bell peppers are waxed and this prevents abrasion injury as well as moisture loss.
Varietal Differences: Some varietal differences in postharvest storage potential have been documented.
Mixed Loads: Pineapples absorb pepper odors so the two should not be shipped together.
Cautions: O2 less than 2% can cause tissue breakdown and off-odors. CO2greater than 5% can result in calyx discoloration, internal browning and increased softening. Peppers are chilling sensitive and if held under 7°C will develop surface pitting and decay.
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