Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2reduces respiration and ethylene production rates and retards ripening. Elevated CO2 may help reduce chilling injury and may retard decay. Chili peppers will tolerate high levels (15-20%) of CO2at 5°C but become sensitive to the effects of high CO2at higher temperatures, Therefore, if peppers are held at 10°C or greater, CO2should not exceed 5%.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Chili peppers produce relatively littlo ethylene and are only moderately sensitive to ethylene. However, excessive ethylene can accelerate senescence and so peppers should not be shipped with ethylene-producing commodities.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Chili peppers should be rapidly cooled and kept cool. However, they are chilling sensitive and so should nol be kept at less than 5°C.
Varietal Differences: Although there are many varieties of chili pepper important in commerce, varietal differences in postharvest handling have not been documented.
Mixed Loads: Pineapples absorb chili pepper odors so the two should not be shipped together.
Cautions: O2less than 2% can cause tissue breakdown and off-odor. CO2greater than 5% can result in calyx discoloration, internal browning amв increased softening at temperatures at or greater than 10°C.
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