Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2 reduces ripening, respiration and ethylene production and action. Elevated CO2 retards ripening. CA can help extend the postharvest life of tomatoes.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Tomatoes produce ethylene and are sensitive to the effects of ethylene. Many tomatoes are harvested at the mature green stage and commercially induced to ripen through exposure to high concentrations of ethylene. Tomatoes at the breaker or later maturity stages are no longer affected by ethylene as they have already entered their climacteric ripening process. Ethylene removal would only be useful in the case of mature green tomatoes that are being shipped prior to ripening through exposure to ethylene.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Many mature green tomatoes are exposed to 100-150 ppm ethylene for 24 to 48 hours at 20-25°C to induce ripening.
Varietal Differences: Tomato varieties vary greatly in their firmness, propensity to decay, flavor and postharvest life. Experience with particular varieties, and with differing growing regions is essential to accurately predict the postharvest life of tomatoes.
Mixed Loads: Tomatoes produce ethylene and so should not be held with ethylene sensitive products.
Cautions: Oxygen less than 2% can cause discoloration, uneven ripening and off-flavors. СО2greater than 3% for mature green tomatoes, or greater than 5% for turning tomatoes may cause discoloration, softening and uneven ripening. The degree of damage will depend in part on the length of exposure to the injurious atmosphere. Tomatoes are chilling sensitive. Their sensitivity will depend on the temperature, the length of exposure, the maturity of the fruit and the variety. More mature fruit are less sensitive to chilling injury and so can be held at slightly lower temperatures. Mature green tomatoes should be kept at 12-20°C. Turning fruit may be kept at 10-15°C.
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