Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2delays ripening. Elevated CO2helps retain firmness.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Plums produce moderate amounts of ethylene and are sensitive to ethylene. Removing ethylene may help retain firmness and soluble solids.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Plums should be rapidly cooled and held at -0.5 to 0°C. Handle plums as little as possible to avoid bruising and loss of skin bloom (wax).
Varietal Differences: Many cultivars of plum are currently marketed. They vary in their responses to CA, their expected shelf lives, their sensitivity to chilling injury and their rates of ripening during transportation and storage. Some varieties, such as 'Angeleno' plums, can be stored for 4 weeks in 2% O2+ 5% CO2at 0°C. Familiarity with specific sources of fruit is necessary to determine optimum conditions for each shipment.
Mixed Loads: Plums should not be shipped with ethylene-generating commodities.
Cautions: O2less than 1% can cause off-flavors and failure to ripen. CO2greater than 1% may cause flesh browning in some cultivars. There has been limited use of CA for storage of some cultivars which are not susceptible to internal breakdown.
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