Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2delays ripening. Elevated CO2helps retain firmness and can reduce chilling injury symptoms on 'Fuyu' persimmons.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Persimmons produce small amounts of ethylene but are quite sensitive to ambient ethylene. Removing ethylene may help retain firmness and soluble solids.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Storage life may be extended by packaging in plastic bags to create a modified atmosphere and reduce moisture loss. 'Fuyu' persimmons are very good candidates for MAP Hachiya-type persimmons are naturally astringent. Their astringency can be removed by treating the fruit with 60-90% CO2 for 24 hours at 17-20°C Alternatively, treat with 4% CO2 for 2 weeks at -1°C, then with 90% CO2 at 17°C for 6 to 18 hours. High levels of ethylene will also remove astringency but ethylene decreases firmness.
Varietal Differences: Fuyu and Hachiya persimmons may be treated differently because of the astringency of the Hachiya-type fruits. 'Fuyu' persimmons in Japan have responded well to controlled atmosphere storage and can be held for 5 months in appropriate CA. 'Fuyu' persimmons will develop undesirable flesh browning if held between 5 and 15°C. As they will ripen rapidly above 15°C, the preferred temperature for shipping is near 0°C.
Mixed Loads: Persimmons should not be shipped with ethylene-generating commodities.
Cautions: O2 less than 3% can cause off-flavors and failure to ripen. CO2 greater than 10% may cause off-flavors.
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