Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of СA : Low O2delays loss in chlorophyll, which results in greener leaves upon removal from storage.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Chrysanthemums produce little ethylene but are moderately sensitive to the effects of ethylene which can cause acceleration of bud opening and leaf abscission.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Chrysanthemums can store well if picked at the bud stage (6-8 cm for standard mums). Flowers should be precooled immediately after harvest. Pulsing or loading stems with a preservative solution for 16 hours before shipping is beneficial in extending longevity after shipment. Preservatives containing 5% sucrose and the biocide Physan have been shown to be effective for pulsing.
Varietal Differences: There may be large differences among chrysanthemum varieties in their response to controlled atmospheres. Care should be taken to test varieties before they are subjected to atmospheres for extended periods.
Mixed Loads: Do not ship with ethylene producing commodities.
Cautions: Low O2may cause petal browning. For some varieties, there may be no benefit from CA. For some varieties, deterioration after storage may be faster for CA-stored flowers than for those stored in air.
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