Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%.
Benefits of CA: Low O2delays deterioration.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Gladiolus produce little ethylene. There are no known benefits of ethylene removal.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Gladiolus keep best when cut with one or two of the lowest florets showing color but still at a tight bud stage. Spikes should always be packed and shipped vertically to prevent bending. Gladiolus benefit from a pulse treatment with 20% sucrose plus a biocide to suppress bacterial growth.
Varietal Differences: There are probably differences among Gladiolus varieties in their responses to CA. However, these differences have not yet been studied.
Mixed Loads: Gladiolus may be shipped with other commodities at low temperature.
Cautions: Low O2may cause leaf discoloration. Controlled atmospheres may not be suitable for some Gladiolus varieties. For others, there may be no benefit.
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