Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: In general, CA has not been shown to be beneficial to potted plants. The diversity of tissue types makes use of CA difficult since it may be beneficial to some parts of the plant and deleterious to other parts of the plant. CA should not be used unless thoroughly tested and shown to be beneficial.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Most potted plants produce little ethylene but are sensitive to the effects of ethylene which can cause acceleration of flower bud opening, flower abscission, leaf yellowing and leaf abscission.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Make sure plants are adequately watered but do not over water.
Varietal Differences: Potted plants vary widely in their chilling sensitivities, ethylene sensitivities and postharvest life. Shipping conditions should be guided by experience with each kind of plant.
Mixed Loads: Do not ship with ethylene producing commodities.
Cautions: Most flowering potted plants are chilling sensitive and should not be exposed to temperatures less than 13°C. However, some flowering plants can be held at lower temperatures (e.g., Bulbous plants and lilies at 4°C chrysanthemums at 3°C; Easter lilies at 0-3°C; roses at 1-3°C).
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