Optimum Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Benefits of CA: Low O2reduces growth of microorganisms. Elevated CO2reduces cap opening, browning and stipe elongation.
Benefits of Ethylene Removal: Mushrooms do not produce significant ethylene but they can be damaged by ambient ethylene. They should be kept separate from ethylene-producing commodities.
Special Treatments Before Shipping: Dehydration rapidly reduces quality so mushrooms should be kept at high humidity. They are often overwrapped with perforated plastic film to retain moisture. Their postharvest life is greatly shortened at temperatures greater than 0°C so mushrooms should be kept cold at all times. Avoid water condensation throughout postharvest handling.
Varietal Differences: There are many kinds of mushrooms currently being marketed. Each will respond differently to CA. Oyster mushrooms in 10% O2+ 50% CO2for 1 week before air storage resulted in a shelf life of 10 days, similar to continuous CA storage (1-3% O2 + 2-5% CO2).
Mixed Loads: Mushrooms absorb odors from green onions so they should not be shipped together.
Cautions: Because spores of Clostridium botulinum (the cause of botulism poisoning) can sometimes be found on mushrooms, and because botulism toxin only develops under low O2, mushrooms are generally not held under low O2. When mushrooms are packaged in plastic film, the film is generally perforated to ensure adequate ingress of O2. Low O2(less than 1%) can also cause off-odors and off-flavors as well as stimulate cap opening and stipe elongation. High CO2(greater than 20%) can cause surface pitting and browning. There is limited benefit from using CA with mushrooms.
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